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Find The Lost Treasure With Google

2 Apr

Interested In Treasures You May Find This Interesting!!!!!
The video features the new stuff in Google map which is called a Treasure Mode. In September 2012 our team discovered a paper map that has been verified as Captain Kidd’s treasure map. However, we haven’t deciphered all the clues yet and its up to you to access his map and uncover the secrets. If we all work together, we can solve the mystery and find the long lost treasure. This is a initiative by Google to find out the lost treasure with all our help, hope all of us want to help and i am in the process already. Think we have given you an interesting video which has entertained and educated you.

Discover The Meaning Of GAMES

1 Apr

Get The Best Game Deals Here!!!
The video feature every thing about games, why we play them how they are classified and why do we have to play them. We all have played some form of game in our life’s but we don’t know why we have played and what type of game it is, but now we can find them all out very soon and very easily, after finishing with the video you may be a scholar in game. Hope we have give you a great video have fun guys,

Time Travel A Riddle

1 Apr

You Can use this too find more information about TIME TRAVEL
The video features about the most interesting stuff about TIME, in our world time has always played a major role in every thing. since time is what changes every thing the big question is that can we TIME TRAVEL, this has been a very great question for more than any years and that has not got any real proof still now but the many believe that there is a definite way to time travel and the most strange thing is that many say we don’t need massive machines for it our brain can do it that is what said by many of the scholars. I personally don’t know much about time travel but its been a science fiction for many years hope it comes true some day and used for good. Hope we have give you an awesome video enjoy the video have fun.

Find Out Real Face Of Leonardo da Vinci

16 Jan

The video features a way in finding the real face of Leonardo Da Vinci, the ever know greatest artist he is the best visionary in all time in the world. We all talk about his masterpieces but have we ever seen his real face many of the proposed face have been rejected and so we found this video which will make identify the real self of him. Hope you had some education form this video and do have a look at all the other videos in the site.

Discover The Ways To Break The Speed Of Light

15 Jan

The video features the way of breaking the speed of light which is said to impossible in the past but this video proves all that wrong. It has been the most interesting fact that many people want to study about it now. This is connected to the some distance to speed issues which am not so good at all so i let the video do all the talking.

Colors Explained

21 Dec

The video features the explanation about colors, what do you think colors are, do you have any idea i knows its 4th grade science but this needs to be asked, i have seen many people who talk about various colors but they never know anything about the colors, but just by seeing the different color they just keep on talking something about that. I personally wanted a recap on colors so i was seeing a couple of videos and finally i came across such a great video in Youtube and so i wanted to throw this in front of my site followers. Hope i have given you an entertaining video, do have a look at the other videos in the site.

Truth About Radioactivity

11 Dec

The video features about Radioactivity, this radioactivity has become the most researched topicss in physics and this is one of the methd which is used to power your houses. Radioactivity does not involve electrons thst is what they tell you but this is wrong, which is i learned about in this video, Neutrons don’t change into protons. Except, sometimes, they do. Radioactivity is the process under which the nucleus can change spontaneously from one element to another. Steve Weatherall suggests that we acknowledge both the usefulness and danger inherent in harvesting radioactivity. I hope you all enjoyed the video, share the video to share the knowledge, do have a look at the other videos in the site.

Banks Security Encryption System Disclosed

10 Dec

The video features the security system of the banks in general, dont think that we will give you the whole system and will leave the bank to get into harm, the video tells you how the banks encrypt the code for your credit card and how they have a secret number for it, this number is 2048 bits long that is 2 to the power 2048 and you can never imagine to decode a number that is so big, trust me many have tried to solve big number but they are still not able to solve it for a 1024 bit number itself they say it would take a few more years for that to happen. Our Google account and Facebook uses 1024 bit security code to protect your password and the banks mostly use 2048 bit security codes Twitter also uses the same 2048 bit authentication. I hope you have learned that you can not hack a bank security code that easily, share the video to share the knowledge with your friends, have a look at the other videos in the site too.

Top Physics Misconceptions

7 Dec

The video features the most common physics misconceptions, we all know the world revolves around physics so what are the major concepts that are taught to you wrongly you can get a idea of these thing in the video, we all know that there are many physics which are of so much importance, but we never know if all the concepts we know are right or if we got it right so i think this video will be an eye opener for all you guys. hope you all enjoyed the video and were educative, do have a look at all the other videos.

Did APPLE Really Invent Anything

7 Dec

The video features a debate or more likely to say an explanation to the topic “DID APPLE EVER INVENT ANYTHING”, we all know that apple is a great company which gives us all the best products and people buy it from every single place in the world what ever price they are sold, but are we sure that all the products of apple are invented by them of-course excluding the software part you will find about these things in the video. Apple has been creating chaos in the courts lately, but did they actually ever invent anything? This video explains that Apple is a recipe company, not an invention company. This does not mean that they do not innovate, it simply means that they are responsible for less than you think.Hope you enjoyed the video do have a look at the other videos in the site.