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Collection Of 20 Windows 7 Performance Increasing Tips

24 Sep

This video features the consolidation of the Faster 7 series, which was produced by The PCMichiana Tech Help Show. The original series includes 32 total video tips for improving the performance of Windows 7 operating systems. For those who are interested, they can view the entire series here. The original Faster 7 series elaborates further on each tip. For those who have questions or are curious to learn more, they should view the original series in it’s entirety.  If individuals attempting to use this faster series have questions, they should feel free to stop by the free PCMichiana Community Forum to post them there. Craig, the host, will be more than willing to help.  Warning: It is the users responsibility to backup their important files before performing performance tweaks. There is very little chance these tweaks will result in system instability, but it is always good to back up your files just in case. Hope you enjoyed the video, you can explore other videos at Play Pause Share.

Know How A Glider Is Made

25 Aug

The Content of the video is fully the making of a Glider in a short time video, these gliders are very small but they have a great power when they fly you can see it by your eyes. These gliders are made with lot of stuffs which you will get to konw when you go through the video. Have fun in playing and sharing the video.

Make a Cell Phone Intercepter

25 Aug

The Videos gives you the making of a Cellphone Intercepter which will be highly useful for people who want some experimenting in their life. I personally love to have some fun in doing stuffs like this, I know for sure that many people who are out there are also the same. The video will never give you a feeling to pause or quit it, after you start playing it. Hope this video was educative and entertaining please do share it with your friends.

A Guide To Destroy Your Old Mobile Phone

25 Aug

The video features the destroying of a old phone, when you start playing the video u will definately be entertained till the video ends as it is the case for all the videos in our site. I will asure you that you will never pause the vidoe, i have seen many videos of playing with a mobile and trying to break it but never anything with a driller. I hope all of you liked the video and am sure that you will share it with your friends.

A Real Smoking Machine

4 Aug

The video features a smoking machine, have you ever thought in your life that an machine would smoke, but its happening now. The machine here in the video is just built to smoke and it does it perfectly. I haven seen many people smoke but never some thing like this this was a different attempt to make a machine smoke, this tells us that we can machine that can do anything. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Discover The Science Behind Lying

4 Aug

The video features the science of lying every one in the world would have lied at some point of time that is how human are in this video we get to know how such behavior evolved, how pathological liars are different from the rest of us, and how scientists are getting better at spotting lies in many situations. After seeing this video i am not ashamed of telling lies but now i can say proudly that it is a art to tell lie. I hope the video was worth watching. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Car Which Is Made Of Human ==> "HUMAN CAR"

31 Jul

The video features the car which is made up of humans. I can understand the title of the video can make you think i am crazy but when you see the video you will find out that the title is appropriate. I have seen several videos featuring car but this one is a whole new one and a very innovative one and so thought of sharing it with all the visitors and so we have the video in the blog. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Witness The Evolution Of Car’s Under 2Min In The FIAT AD

31 Jul

The video features the evolution of cars in a fiat ad. The video is a commercial which is a making of Fiat company, the best part of the video is that it show the whole evolution of cars in a under 2min video. I am always a great passion for cars in the worlds which made me come across the video is both funny and awesome history in it. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

What Is Apple Killing the iPod?

31 Jul

The video features the iPod which is a product of apple which we all have in our ears and go around hearing our best tunes on the go. I know many of us are a great fans of the Apple ipod and have we ever had a thought that apple would them self dump their product, many would say no and many may say yes but know what really happening in video. I got a real knowledge after the video i had a feeling that the rest of the world should know about this so now the video is in our blog. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

How Does Déjà vu Works

30 Jul

The video feature the working of deja vu which has been exprienced by every person in the world. I think many of you people have witnessed Deja vu and that is why we wanted to give you the working of it so now we have it in our blog. I am a person who has the feeling of deja vu many times in a month. Now i came to know how it all working out in me i know that all you people will also have the same feeling i had after seeing the video. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.