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Facts About Rooting And Jailbreaking

1 Apr

Become A Hacker Learn JAILBREAKING!!!!!!
The video features about the Technique of Rooting and Jailbreak which are done in Android and iOS respectively. These two things are just like hacking in to your phone or tablet and removing all the carrier give apps which can never be removed normally and to get the newest updates when ever it is released rather than waiting for your carrier to give its update, in the iOS you can get more apps and books and all the other kinds of stuffs which will be of a great use to you, both Android and iOS which are ruling the market now have some limitations in them so to over come these we use the techniques of Rooting and Jailbreak. Many of people out there never knew about this and i wanted to give them a correct answer to them in a video format, i came across the video and so we have the video in the site now. Hope you were educated and entertained at the same time, share the knowledge with your friends and do have a look at the other videos in the Play Pause Share site.

Space Stuffs To Happen In 2013

15 Jan

The video features the things that are to be expected about the space stuffs in 2013, there has been a significant increase in the field of Space research as the years go by hope we find another place to live in like the so that we cant be so afraid as we were in 21/12/2012. We all love to know about the space since it has been a mystery for us very time we see the sky we can see stars which are millions of star distance from us but who lives there or what else is there in thayt place why do we have so many planets in the solar system when only earth is the only planet to make life possible,  hope we get an answer for all these questions. Have fun with the video, do have a look at the other videos in the site.


15 Jan

The video features the the hands on comparison of two of the most new and performance beat in the market right now, yes i am talking about the HTC DROID DNA and SAMSUNG GALAXY S3. Top of the line phones from Samsung and HTC, the Droid DNA (HTC Butterfly) Versus the Samsung Galaxy S3. This is a short look at what both phones have to offer. Both these phones stand out on their own way and the video will tell you more about it. Hope you liked the video have fun with the other video in the sites.

Top Features Of Ubuntu Phone

13 Jan

The video features the top features of the Ubuntu Phones which were showed at CES 2013, the mobile is a awesome device with the Ubuntu operating system. It is originally running in galaxy nexus in the hands on and they say it will be running of similar phones. hope the video was fun have a good time in the site.

Huawei Ascend Mate Mobile At CES

9 Jan

The video features the introduction of the Huawei Ascend Mate Mobile, the mobile has been featured in the CES 2013 which is taking palce right now from 8th to 11th of January. This video is originally from the youtube channel Marques Brownlee. We thought that you all would want a flavour of CES and would like to have to know the things that are happening there, so we are going to post stuffs that are happening in there. Hope you had a good time watching the video have fun.

iPhone VS Android An Experimental Survey

7 Dec

The video features a survey which was made by The Gadget Show, it is more like iPhone VS Android, they selected 3 people one is a Android lover and the other is an iOS lover and the other is a newbie for the smartphone she has never used a smart phone at all, so what do you think, who would have won the survey. To find which device got the most hits just dive into the video. This video will surely make you think about what device you should get and this is super innovative approach in finding the best device. hope you loved the video.

Did APPLE Really Invent Anything

7 Dec

The video features a debate or more likely to say an explanation to the topic “DID APPLE EVER INVENT ANYTHING”, we all know that apple is a great company which gives us all the best products and people buy it from every single place in the world what ever price they are sold, but are we sure that all the products of apple are invented by them of-course excluding the software part you will find about these things in the video. Apple has been creating chaos in the courts lately, but did they actually ever invent anything? This video explains that Apple is a recipe company, not an invention company. This does not mean that they do not innovate, it simply means that they are responsible for less than you think.Hope you enjoyed the video do have a look at the other videos in the site.

Official Presentation Of New iMac 2012 (Ultra Thin)

4 Dec

The video features the new iMac 2012 ultra thin version which is now in sale on Apple Stores from November 30. This machine has the best design comparing all of the iMac’s which were released till now. The iMac is now ultra thin that its just 5mm in the width, but there is a bulge in the center of the back panel in the iMac where all the computing parts fit in. We can tell any thing wrong about the bulge, can any one build a PC with such a compact design inn the world other than Apple, they done it again, they were sold out of all the iMac in stock in just 2 hours of opening the stores. This video is the official presentation of iMac which Apple does for every one of their product by Steve jobs and it s continued. I hope that you had an insight about the device after seeing the video. Share the knowledge by sharing the video.

Top 5 Tech Myth Revealed

4 Dec

The video features the top 5 Tech Myths, which revolve around the world, we all would have certainly know few myths our self but we never knew if they were true of just a myth, After seeing the video i am cleared from my doubts about the myth which i never got the answer for a long time. we all love to know about myths and the thrill in breaking the myth, this is one such video which will revel ll the query you had about the myth in just a few minutes. We hope you enjoyed the video, share it and take a look at the other videos also.

Top 3 Reasons To Get A Nexus Phone

3 Dec

The video features the top 3 reasons why you should go for a Google Nexus if you are going to get an Android phone, this video was takes from the video PhoneBuff channel from youtube. Nexus is a great device for its price range, i am a lover of technology so i don’t stick on to any one device. I think if you will understand well if you have a look at the video, there are a lot of good points in the video. if you like the video share it and do have a look at all the videos.