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Paper String Origami

22 Sep

The video contains the step by step making of a paper string, a origami string is a different kind of paper craft. Generally we all would love to do crafts but i think we would never had any thought of doing this stuff any time. The most interesting fact about this video is that you can make this with out much effort. I have always been a great fan for origami and that is why i am posting this video, so  that many of you will be benefited with it please do share it.

Make A F16 Fighter Plane

29 Aug

The video features the making of a F16 fighter plane with paper, there are many kinds of planes that can be made in paper and you can see that this one is a excat replica of a real life plane. This video gives you a step by step method which will help you to make the plane instantly. You can make the plane in any paper. play the video and enjoy it, share it if you like it.

Most Hilarious Construction Works And Flaws

3 Aug

The video features the most funniest construction flaws, i have seen many damn funny failed construction works but this video has some great one in it. I was actually searching some good videos for the blog and came across the video which i felt very interesting and so now we have it in our blog. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Origami – Make A Star Wars TIE FIGHTER

29 Jul

The video features the making of the Star wars tie fighter with a paper. We all have a thing for origami from our childhood and when we get a chance to make a star wars tie fighter will we leave the chance to slip out. This is a fighter ship / plane in the star wars movies.This tutorial shows how to make it out of paper very easily in a step by step manner. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Secret Documents That Are Not Shown To Us

28 Jul

The video feature the secret documents which were and are still now held from showing to the rest of the people of the world. In the video there are 10 documents which are maintained very secret so that there is not many problems due to it. We had many doubts in the world about many things and here is some of the few document doubts being cleared. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Make A Falcon origami Bird

18 Jul

The video features the making of the Falcon bird in paper. THIS Origami treat full bird is done so simple without even giving out a drop of sweat from your body. The vidoe is a amazing one with the step by step walk through of the Falcon origami, i have seen many origami videos but this is a great oe that to making an falcon is which is so hard but this video make it so simple. The most important hit in the video is the simple way in which the stuff is made. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Know How To Make A Paper Crossbow

18 Jul

The video features the making of the paper crossbow in a step by step way. I have always been a fan of cross bow from my childhood, i used to pretend like a Jade warior and justed hook up with my friends, we used to have a crossbow
that never shoots but when i came across the video is was really interesting. here in the video you can find the best step by step way to make a crossbow that effectively shoots, i wanted to give all the visitors a valid and an entertsining video. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Funny Signs Out There In The World

17 Jul

The video features the signs that are placed in various places which are so uch entertaining, you will never know that there are such signs placed. You can find signs ever where in freeway, houses, hotels and lots of other places, but you can never find signs like these any where else than our site. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Stuff About Vatican’s Archives That Are Kept As Secret

12 Jul

The video features the secrets of the Vatican Archives. There has been lot of stories told related the Vatican archives which are like a mystery for almost centuries. The video tries to give us the hint of the things which are all inside there. For decades before the publication of Dan Brown’s novels, conspiracy theorists were convinced that the Catholic Church held numerous Earth-shaking revelations within its secret archives. As far as i know the stuffs in the archives belongs to all of man kind and the secret must be disclosed. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Know How To Make A Origami Paper Beating Heart

12 Jul

The video feature the making of a Origami beating heart, which is actually very cool and i personally know that this would be very usefull for all you people out there who wants to impress your girl friend. the video is so good that you can make it in just minutes. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.