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Unlimited Free Energy Forever – Nikola Tesla

8 Apr

The video features the documentary that is based on Nikola Tesla who was a great man who has given us some great powers of electricity we all should respect him. In this documentary we are going to see some thing many say that it is hidden from us, many of you may have guessed it they are talking about unlimited free energy for every single person in the world now you can understand why it is kept hidden from us and we have fight to get it back. This video documentary will tell you in detail about how the power is free and you will get facts to understand the theory, hope we have provided you with some great stuff, have fun with the other videos in the site.

Hacker A Lost Documentary From Around 2000

31 Dec

The video features the a Documentary about the Hacker in the years around 2000, we all want to know some thing about hacking and hacking and this documentary by National Geographic. I personally don like calling people hackers because hacker – which means I like electronics, building things, understanding computers and trying to improve the functionality of my gadgets. A Cracker is a malicious individual who gains unlawful access to systems. I Wish these ‘intellectual’ documentarians actually do their homework for a change. But this one is perfectly great other than the above fact, these hacker in this time came out only seeing the hackers who are mentioned in the video and for the thrill about doing it as shown in the video. Hope we have given you a great video to entertain you and filled your life with some good information.

Why Was Marijuana Or Cannabis Made Illegal

24 Nov

The video features Marijuana or it is also called as Cannabis, BC’s illegal marijuana trade industry has evolved into a business giant, dubbed by some involved as ‘The Union’, Commanding upwards of $7 billion Canadian annually. With up to 85% of ‘BC Bud’ being exported to the United States, the trade has become an international issue. Follow filmmaker Adam Scorgie as he demystifies the underground market and brings to light how an industry can function while remaining illegal. Through growers, police officers, criminologists, economists, doctors, politicians and pop culture icons, Scorgie examines the cause and effect nature of the business – an industry that may be profiting more by being illegal. Think this video will definitely impress you and make you think a lot about Cannabis, hope the video was amusing even though it was lengthy. Be sure to like the video and share it with your friends. Have a look at the other videos in the site.

The Mars Underground

24 Nov

The videos features the Documentary The Mars Underground, the full video documentary deals with Mars and the position of United States in getting to know about the planet Mars from the surface to the core of the planet. This film captures the spirit of Mars pioneers who refuse to let their dreams be put on hold by a slumbering space program. Their passionate urge to walk the soil of an alien world is infectious and inspirational. This film is the manifesto of the new space revolution. This video will definitely help you in understanding the progress of the world in exploring the Mars.

Revolutionary iPhone Presentation By Steve Jobs(2007)

24 Nov

The video features the iPhone presentation by Steve Jobs himself, this video was indeed a blast in the tech world, this one phone a revolution in the world of smart phones. The iPhone was  introduced at the Macworld Conference & Expo 2007 with a keynote address from San Francisco’s Moscone West. This guy Steve Jobs is a great revolutionist who changed the computing word with a storming device called the Mac and at 2007 he did change the mobile phone wold with this device. I certainly know that this video happened before a few years ago, but this is a way of showing my respect to that great man. Apple has always stood for its amazing products which swept the word. We will be posting almost all the live event of Apple in the forth coming years and this video is the start for it. This video was originally taken from a youtube channel UG3Genki Please share the video if you liked it, click the like button and have a look at the other video in our site.

Process Of Making A Game

7 Nov

The video feature how a game is made from scratch, the process of making a game is so intense, bringing a game from the imagination of the core teams mind to the gamers computer or any other console takes a lot of work in it, its defintly a pain in the ass. After seeing the video i understand the games i play are no joke the are so so much of hard work, i am sure after seeing the video you also will respect the game and the game designers. share the video and take a look of all the other video is Play Pause Share.

How Did We Humans Get Here?

7 Oct

The video features the question of our human origins is one of the most controversial science has wrestled with. This is the story of how scientists came to explain the beauty and diversity of life on earth, and reveal how its evolution is connected to the long and violent history of our planet. Featuring ocean adventurers, eccentric French aristocrats, mountain climbers, a secret Victorian publisher with 12 fingers, a ridiculed German meteorologist, and only a brief hint of Charles Darwin. We hope that you enjoyed the video have fun with all the other videos in Play Pause Share.