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Find The Lost Treasure With Google

2 Apr

Interested In Treasures You May Find This Interesting!!!!!
The video features the new stuff in Google map which is called a Treasure Mode. In September 2012 our team discovered a paper map that has been verified as Captain Kidd’s treasure map. However, we haven’t deciphered all the clues yet and its up to you to access his map and uncover the secrets. If we all work together, we can solve the mystery and find the long lost treasure. This is a initiative by Google to find out the lost treasure with all our help, hope all of us want to help and i am in the process already. Think we have given you an interesting video which has entertained and educated you.

Truths Why Archimedes Ran Naked In The Streets

10 Sep

The video features the most interesting illustration of the Archimedes’ principle, this will definetly make you get a lot of knowledge. Stories of discovery and invention often begin with a problem that needs solving. Summoned by the king to investigate a suspicious goldsmith, the early Greek mathematician Archimedes stumbles upon the principle that would make him famous. The video will give you the fact why Archimedes ran naked in the streets. Think you enjoyed the video, play the video and do share it.

A Gadget To Hear Through Walls

13 Aug

The video is the involves in the making of the a gadget which allows us to hear through walls. This technology is been there for a long time in all the movies but we never had any real proof for it. Now we have all the the stuffs we need to make it, and so be ready and start to build your device now with the help of the video. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Crack The Number Lock Combinations

13 Aug

The video is all about cracking the combination of the number lock that is almost used in many places. There are millions of combinations in the locking system so guys allow your self to use this great opportunity and have fun with the outcome of the video. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Collection Of The 10 Best Rap Crew Till Now

12 Aug

The video clip features best 10 rap crew in the world so far, It’s almost impossible to find a weak link in any of these hip hop crews. In this video, we count down our picks for the top 10 rap groups of all time. I have heard many songs from all the crews in this video they were all great no bad tracks that you can point on them, think this video clip is a has given you a good time. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Facts About Coffee(The Greatest Addiction)

12 Aug

The clip is about the greatest drug which can make you addicted to it in just few sips it is non other than the Coffee, we have every day most of us live with coffee only. The most interesting fact about coffee is that it is also a drug, but no one cares about it and have it with out any regret. We know all about coffee taste but do we really know the every last thing about coffee which is discussed in this video clip, this clips is sure a good entertainer and as well a educative one so guys have fun with the video. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Can Usain Bolt Win Over Gravity

12 Aug

The video features the explanation of the theory that Usain Bolt can defy gravity or does gravity win again. We all would have studied about gravity, and even experienced it when we fall from a high place, but can we win gravity with a help of a sprinter who can run faster than the speed in which a object falls under the influence of gravity. Guess what we can do it from the calculation it is evident that it is possible and so we can win over the laws of nature this one time. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Facts That You Should Know About Daylight Saving

10 Aug

The video mainly features the working of the Day Light Saving mechanism. I have always been involved in knowing about stuffs in the world, but how much ever i have tried i could not find about the theory of day ligt saving. This video is a awesome one with so much great information which will make you go crazy and want you to learn more. The only thing i know about day light saving is that Benjamin Franklin was one of the person to suggested it, but i know more now. Do you want to know more too then finish the video. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

The True History Behind Santa Claus

10 Aug

The video is all about the history of The Santa Claus, the guy who comes christmas eve and give gifts to all the childreen. I have always known that this is a myth but i really dint know from where this custom started but i know the orgins and all the forms of santa claus and how it was all connected and finally came down to the santa we have here. this is really a remarkable video which has so much education. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

United Kingdom, Great Britain and England Find What Makes Them Different

10 Aug

The video features The United Kingdom, many of you people out there think that the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England are all the same, but the real fact is that they all are different. To be frank i was also one of you who thought all of it was same, after seeing the video i realise the truth. The video has a great explanation which would make you understand the fact within seconds. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.