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Know How A Glider Is Made

25 Aug

The Content of the video is fully the making of a Glider in a short time video, these gliders are very small but they have a great power when they fly you can see it by your eyes. These gliders are made with lot of stuffs which you will get to konw when you go through the video. Have fun in playing and sharing the video.

Stuffs Reactions In Slow Motion

25 Aug

The video has all the slow motion videos of all the most commonly used stuffs in day to day life. This video has the most interesting scene which features the destruction and lot of other actions when these stuffs are disturbed . Play the video with no hesitation and i asure that u will not get bored and pause the video. Hope this video was a good entertainer and think you will share the video with your friends for sure.

A Gadget To Hear Through Walls

13 Aug

The video is the involves in the making of the a gadget which allows us to hear through walls. This technology is been there for a long time in all the movies but we never had any real proof for it. Now we have all the the stuffs we need to make it, and so be ready and start to build your device now with the help of the video. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Crack The Number Lock Combinations

13 Aug

The video is all about cracking the combination of the number lock that is almost used in many places. There are millions of combinations in the locking system so guys allow your self to use this great opportunity and have fun with the outcome of the video. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Collection Of Most Strange Planes In The World

8 Aug

The video features the strangest plane models in the world, have you ever imagined in your life that you would have seen such different models of planes. I bet you that these are the first things you watch in your life. Think these planes were developed in trial and error method to get a good and effect model, i think nothing worked, but the people who made these planes must be nuts i know that clearly. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

An Anthology Of Boat Crashes

8 Aug

The video features the most funny boat crashes, we all would have gone in boat rides but you never want to be in any of these boats or ships. There are funny clips in the internet which have all the things in the world but this is one of its kind. i was having fun with the video not because of the crash its that i never knew that a boat can crash and get stuck like these. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Don’t Ever Touch His Car

5 Aug

The video features the commercial from the Fiat company for their car. its not the the commercial what you have to see its the comedy in the video, the guy in the cycle balances in the car which many of the cyclist do, but the the guy in the car war too much passionate about his car and doesn’t want any one to touch his car and he does some thing which will piss the cyclist. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

A Real Smoking Machine

4 Aug

The video features a smoking machine, have you ever thought in your life that an machine would smoke, but its happening now. The machine here in the video is just built to smoke and it does it perfectly. I haven seen many people smoke but never some thing like this this was a different attempt to make a machine smoke, this tells us that we can machine that can do anything. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Car Which Is Made Of Human ==> "HUMAN CAR"

31 Jul

The video features the car which is made up of humans. I can understand the title of the video can make you think i am crazy but when you see the video you will find out that the title is appropriate. I have seen several videos featuring car but this one is a whole new one and a very innovative one and so thought of sharing it with all the visitors and so we have the video in the blog. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Witness The Evolution Of Car’s Under 2Min In The FIAT AD

31 Jul

The video features the evolution of cars in a fiat ad. The video is a commercial which is a making of Fiat company, the best part of the video is that it show the whole evolution of cars in a under 2min video. I am always a great passion for cars in the worlds which made me come across the video is both funny and awesome history in it. Think the video was entertaining and at the same time it was educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.