Archive | April, 2013

Unlimited Free Energy Forever – Nikola Tesla

8 Apr

The video features the documentary that is based on Nikola Tesla who was a great man who has given us some great powers of electricity we all should respect him. In this documentary we are going to see some thing many say that it is hidden from us, many of you may have guessed it they are talking about unlimited free energy for every single person in the world now you can understand why it is kept hidden from us and we have fight to get it back. This video documentary will tell you in detail about how the power is free and you will get facts to understand the theory, hope we have provided you with some great stuff, have fun with the other videos in the site.

Worlds Top 10 Unsual Prisons

8 Apr

The video feature the most interesting prisons in the world we have all heard about prisons and the things that happen in there but in this video we are give you some of the most amazing prisons you can see they are so different from others and are more fun then the normal prisons, i have never seen any of these prison in any other sites before, i hope that you also would not have. Thank you for watching this awesome video, also have a look at the other videos in the site too.

Adsense Broke My Heart

2 Apr

The video features Me and my broken heart, I was broken down when my adsense account was disabled, this is bull shit man i worked so hard to get it. They stole my money literally man they took my 50$. I hope they are fucked up some how 🙂

Camera Quality Of iPhone 5 Vs Nokia Lumia 920

2 Apr

Get The Best Phone Here!!!!!!
The video features the comparison of two of the top of the line mobile phones in the world period. This is a comparison of the camera quality of both these phones, they both have the best quality camera in the industry but here we don’t want to take anything light so we dig deep inside the cameras and we put the test to the height level and we are in the verge of finding the best mobile which has great camera. Hope you had a great time with the video have fun with other videos in the site guys.

Sun Disappears? What Happens Then

2 Apr

Find More Things About Sun Disappearing!!!!!
The video feature a situation which we will assume that will happen, yes as you can see from the title what may happen if the Sun disappears. This is a situation in which we all will panic that is for sure but what may happen at that point of time like the temperature changes and the life form existence and how the source of light will be at that point of time all these things is well illustrated in this video. I sure could picture what would happen after seeing the video, hope you all can do the same. This video was to educate you with some professional facts that may happen at that point of time, and we sure hope you all liked the video please do share the knowledge and do have a look at the other videos in the site.

Hands On Comparison Of The HTC One vs Sony Xperia Z

2 Apr

Get The Phone You Think is Awesome After Seeing The Video!!!!!!!!!!
The video features the hands on comparison of the two of the worlds most beautifully built phones as of now in the market the HTC one and the Sony Xperia Z. These two phones are almost ruling the Android phone industry period, we all know both these phones are flag ship devices of both companies, we all have different opinons in which phone is better but to find out in all aspects we can see the video and get to know a lots more about the phones. Hope this was a great comparison video, have fun guys.

Find The Lost Treasure With Google

2 Apr

Interested In Treasures You May Find This Interesting!!!!!
The video features the new stuff in Google map which is called a Treasure Mode. In September 2012 our team discovered a paper map that has been verified as Captain Kidd’s treasure map. However, we haven’t deciphered all the clues yet and its up to you to access his map and uncover the secrets. If we all work together, we can solve the mystery and find the long lost treasure. This is a initiative by Google to find out the lost treasure with all our help, hope all of us want to help and i am in the process already. Think we have given you an interesting video which has entertained and educated you.

Facts About Rooting And Jailbreaking

1 Apr

Become A Hacker Learn JAILBREAKING!!!!!!
The video features about the Technique of Rooting and Jailbreak which are done in Android and iOS respectively. These two things are just like hacking in to your phone or tablet and removing all the carrier give apps which can never be removed normally and to get the newest updates when ever it is released rather than waiting for your carrier to give its update, in the iOS you can get more apps and books and all the other kinds of stuffs which will be of a great use to you, both Android and iOS which are ruling the market now have some limitations in them so to over come these we use the techniques of Rooting and Jailbreak. Many of people out there never knew about this and i wanted to give them a correct answer to them in a video format, i came across the video and so we have the video in the site now. Hope you were educated and entertained at the same time, share the knowledge with your friends and do have a look at the other videos in the Play Pause Share site.

Discover The Meaning Of GAMES

1 Apr

Get The Best Game Deals Here!!!
The video feature every thing about games, why we play them how they are classified and why do we have to play them. We all have played some form of game in our life’s but we don’t know why we have played and what type of game it is, but now we can find them all out very soon and very easily, after finishing with the video you may be a scholar in game. Hope we have give you a great video have fun guys,

Time Travel A Riddle

1 Apr

You Can use this too find more information about TIME TRAVEL
The video features about the most interesting stuff about TIME, in our world time has always played a major role in every thing. since time is what changes every thing the big question is that can we TIME TRAVEL, this has been a very great question for more than any years and that has not got any real proof still now but the many believe that there is a definite way to time travel and the most strange thing is that many say we don’t need massive machines for it our brain can do it that is what said by many of the scholars. I personally don’t know much about time travel but its been a science fiction for many years hope it comes true some day and used for good. Hope we have give you an awesome video enjoy the video have fun.