Archive | November, 2012

Evolution Of The English Language

30 Nov

The video features the Evolution of English Language, English is the most widly spoken language in the world, some claim its the language of the world. But do we know the how the language got evolved to the stage it is now, all people say that the British gave it to the whole world, but how did the British develop the language, it dint come out from the blue, did it. So when i was going through some references i came across this video which was really amazing and easy to understand, i wanted to share this with my visitors who will be pleased to see this, we all love videos and so i thought that a little education about our history with a good video was not a bad idea. Evolution of English has a great influence in shaping the world we are now, this is on of the things we should know and i am happy to present you with this types of video. Hope you had a good time with the video, share the knowledge and take a look at the other videos in the site too, don’t forget to leave us your comments.

Review Of Google ChromeBook

30 Nov

The video features the review of the Google chrome book, the chrome book is a good initiative by google, it is evolving into a great device, even though it is down the line compared to other device but its definitely worth for 250$, this video is is originally taken from lockergnome channel from the youtube. The chrome book is a fairly decent device with a helpful apps for internet based stuffs and for any one who don’t know the Google Chrome book works with the internet only. I hope if you dive into the video you will understand more than you reading the text. Hope we have provided you with a great time, share the video and don’t forget to comment it.

Far Cry Trailer Released

30 Nov

The video features the newest and the first trailer of the game Far Cry 3, every one will have a OMG time when they come to see some thing which makes them go crazy, i certainly it come more for me than any ordinary person and seeing this video is one such moment. I have played the previous games in the Far Cry series but i think this one here will kill all the dope feeling we had with the old ones, i want to have my hands on it when it releases. Now i see why IGN calls it “one of the best shooters I’ve ever played” and claims it’s “a once-in-a-generation-experience.” In this video, have a look at how Far Cry 3 is redefining the modern day shooter with a whirlwind tour of the epic storyline, the relentless shooter action and its open, vibrant game world. It releases in stores December 4, i guess after the video there many of you who is going to get the game no matter what, hope you had a great time with the video, share it and have a look at the other videos in the site too.

Top 10 Worst Cities In The World To Live In

29 Nov

The video features the Top 10 Worst cities to live in, the video has all the information of the 10 cities which are selected from all around the world that living in such place will give you the worst experience, in this list there are cities with most expensive cost of living and those which can not be habitable at all for many more years, and some are the most cold places and some are most hot. As you can see that the list has all kinds of possibilities for the top 10 worst cities in the world to live in. What are you waiting for jump on to the video, hope you enjoyed the video share the same and check out the other videos in the site too.

Google’s URL Shortening Service

29 Nov

The video feature the the working of Google’s url shortening service which is just amazing you, you will see the difference for sure when you use it. Eli the Computer Guy talks about why using Google’s URL Shortening Service can be an invaluable tool for web publishers. He shows you how to use the service and explains how you can use it to track how links that you publish are used when you post the to services such as Facebook where you cannot get good analytics. This video will help all those youtube publishers and for all those who want to be one in the near future, share the video and share the knowledge. Have fun with other video is the site.

How algorithms shape our world By Kevin Slavin

29 Nov

The video features Kevin Slavin, he argues that we’re living in a world designed for — and increasingly controlled by — algorithms. In this riveting talk from TEDGlobal, he shows how these complex computer programs determine espionage tactics, stock prices, movie scripts, and architecture. Slavin also warns that we are writing code we can’t understand with implications we can’t control. Have a great time with the video.

What Is The Purpose Of The Universe

28 Nov

The video features the purpose of the universe, do any of us ever thought of the purpose of the universe, i think the answer would have been no until now, but many of the scientist and scholars have now started to think about it and are find the lots of facts to support their theory this video is explained by Neil deGrasse Tyson. He helps us understand about the universe, certainly he does not give us the exact purpose, but he definitely helped us in find out some thing about the universe, rather than seeing long documentaries around 60 minutes of lenght to understand nothing this less than 3 minute video has give us a lot of information. As i Recall A Great Man Said What you think is what it will become, that is what reflects at the end of the video. refer the video for more information, share the video and +1 it. check out the other videos also.

Photoshop Face Bur Effect

28 Nov

The video features a Photoshop tutorial of making a Face Blur Effect, photoshop is a great tool for photo editing which is the first preference for many designers in the world. Here in this video we will learn step by step how to create a face blur effect, as the name implies this effect deals with making a part of the face blur and giving it a shaky effect which will make the photo look really awesome. The most important feature in this video is that you can learn this effect in less than 5 minutes. Hope you had fun with the video, do comment the video and share the video, check out the other vidoes in the site.

50 Reasons That iPhone 5 is Better Than Samsung S3

26 Nov

The video features the 50 Reasons why you should go for iPhone 5 rather than Samsung S3, i think you all would have seen the other video in our site 50 Reasons That Galaxy S3 Is Better Than iPhone 5 and this video has attracted many viewers as we told earlier in the same video that there will be a video with reason to get a iPhone 5 rather than a the Samsung S3. The company which changed the view of smart phones gives us the iPhone 5 with the all new A6 processor and the iOS 6 has given the mobile its greater advantage over other phones in this video. The video will tell all the reason why you need to go for iPhone 5. hope you enjoyed the video, share and like the video and please take a look of other videos in the site.

Kindle Fire 7 HD Unboxing

25 Nov

The video features the Undoxing of the 7 inch Amazon Kindle Fire HD, we all think that kindle fire is not so much great of a product, but many out there are different in that view and me too. If you need a device to read books and just books and a little of other things then Amazon kindle Fire is what you want to go for. In this video you will find the things in the box and the first impressions. share the video and take a look of other videos in the site.