Was Jesus Really There? Or Is All This A Story

18 Jun

The Video Features Jesus the man who is called the son or the lord all mighty in Christianity. the video mainly works on the story that if jesus was really in the world or if he is was yet another story that was told by our ancestors. History always has a fascination to it there is a lot of lie in it and lot of fact too. Hope this video was both entertaining and educative. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post or +1 it.

One Response to “Was Jesus Really There? Or Is All This A Story”

  1. Mohd Abd June 22, 2012 at 7:09 pm #

    ok this is not right story you have 3 in one
    is that true you have mind to now who is Lord .you know when Lord create Adam why you not call son of Lord you have mind to think also I want said that as you see in all Church Mariam have ware some things like islam girl and you your girls not ware it .I am just want you to use your mind by the way all mislam love Issa so much .

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