Archive | June, 2012

Amazing Pop- Up Paper Sculptures

24 Jun

The video features the five pop up paper sculpturs which are a work of Mr.Peter Dahmen, a graphic designer from Germeny. These sclupture are all so beautiful to see they kind of represent a building or architecture of all around the world. Seeing these scluptures gives a great feeling and i hope you all enjoyed viewing the video, this video is one of its kind. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

The Facts You Never Known – Find Out What

24 Jun

The video feature about some of the greatest fact that most of us dont know. The world is filled with facts and we dont realise it till we come arcoss one which disturbs us or the one we never ever heard of and this video has both the kind of things i told. The video is certainly very good for being put in the blog. I think that all you people had a lot of fun and entertainment by having a look at the video. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Know What Happens If You Microwave Dry Ice? Check Out

24 Jun

The video feature the DRY ICE which is placed in a microwave. Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you microwaved dry ice? Here’s your chance to find out, without risking your microwave. This experiment is so much fun and different, i have always wanted to try some thing like that but dit want to risk any thing. I am happy to have seen the video and i have learnt amny thing from it. hope all you guys enjoyed the video and it was a good education. dont ever try this on your own all these were done by skilled professionals and with proper safety measures. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post in Facebook and +1 the Post in Google+.

Know How Much Your Minds Are Dirty?

24 Jun

These videos here can tell us how much the mind of a person is dirty and i must say that these video does not contain any nudity of any human and so is not an “A” (adult) Rated video. These video when i came across i dint get any bad thoughts, so i found it zn inteesting way to find a dirty mind and wanted to share the videos with all of you guys so here we are with video in the blog. hope the videos were funny and interesting and all you people enjoyed. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post or +1 it.

Never Lose In Tic Tac Toe – Find How

24 Jun

The Video has the ways how you can out run all your friends in a game of TIC TAC TOE. i have always had a thing for playing the game many times with my friend when we are bored in our class room and doing that i have won a few and lost a few games, but now i know how to win all the game i play with. i got the thing that can make me the guy who wins all the time in tic tac toe , hope all you guys enjoyed the video and it was a good education. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post or +1 it.

How To Build Your Creative Confidence By David Kelley

22 Jun

The video deals with how much you can increase your creative confidence skills. There are many videos about creative confidence but i took this because i wanted you guys to understand the way of generating confidence by knowing how others did it rather than soe jack telling them what to do or give them a list of things to do. Is your school or workplace divided into “creatives” versus practical people? Yet surely, David Kelley suggests, creativity is not the domain of only a chosen few. Telling stories from his legendary design career and his own life, he offers ways to build the confidence to create. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post or +1 it.

10 Natural Wonders Which Are Know Less

22 Jun

The video features 10 of the less heard worlds natural wonders. We all talk about all the 7 wonders but we forget that there are few more of the nature’s beautiful creation like the ones shown the video. From strange alien landscapes to the Gates of Hell, here are 10 natural wonders you might not have heard of. I came across this video and had the feeling that every one in the world should know it and so here we are where i posted it. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post or +1 it.

Use An Orange As Source Of Fire

21 Jun

The video feature the use of orange as a source of fire. we can get fire from many thing but using a orange is a different one, when i came across this video i was amazed to see the fire coming out of it. man is always facinated by fire and think you guys will also love it. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post or +1 it.

Tired Of Lossing Your Keys? We Teach You To Pick Locks

21 Jun

The Video is a Educational one which tells us about picking a lock this is just to give education and make every one a jack of all trade. this is how we do it, Apply minimum torque to the tension wrench, insert the bobby pin into the keyway, make use of a vibrating motion, or scrubbing over the pins, after a few seconds, try to apply greater force to the tension wrench to turn the plug. If the pins do not set after several seconds, release the tension wrench and do it again. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post or +1 it.

Does Water Has Memory? Well They Say It Does. Find How

21 Jun

The video features Water one of the most important thing in our planet. Water — just a liquid or much more? Many researchers are convinced that water is capable of “memory” by storing information and retrieving it. The possible applications are innumerable: limitless retention and storage capacity and the key to discovering the origins of life on our planet. Research into water is just beginning. All your comments are welcomed and don’t forget to LIKE the post or +1 it.